Mini #1 - Aaron Session 3

 Not really feeling this one, no fault of the sculpt. Just a lot of fiddle there on the armor that probably would've been a metric crapton better if I'd just stuck wuth steel. 

Also left off last time in the middle of where it looks crappy before you clean up. Makes it harder to get started next time.

Layered up armor RMS Royal Purple to a mix of RMS Storm Grey and Royal Purple (1:3). Also mixed a RMS Fire Red and Royal Purple (1:4) to try and add some depth to the more fiddly bits.

Down and dirty gem on the chest to add some variety, Abaddon Black, then Carnage Red, then Fire Res, dot with Ghost White...didn't work.

Chainmail looked horrid, ended up washing with Drakhenof Nightshade, then dry brush Vallejo Model Air Steel, smaller pained Vallejo Model Air Chrome for final hughlights on mail and sword.

RMS Fire Red for plume highlights.

Highljt gold trim with Pro Acrylic Bright Gold.

End Result: A Learn from Your Mistakes Job.

Pros: Cleaned it up so passible from tabletop range.
Cons: Waaaaay too messy to clean up, and the gold is far, far too overdone. Should've stuck with straight mail, picking out the details with highlights and shading.


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